Manuel Tânger

by Carlos Salvado

Disruption • Innovation

About Manuel

Manuel Tanger holds an MSc in Physics from Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon which he concluded with a top graded final thesis supervised by Physics Nobel Prize Winner 1999 Gerard t’Hooft at the University of Utrecht.

Manuel lived in many different countries during is life like Brazil, China, India, Holland, Italy, Canada, Belgium and, of course, Portugal. This international exposure has been formative and character building in important aspects of his life. He started his professional career at Mercer HR Consulting as CRM designer and manager. Following this experience was invited to work for Danone in Italy (Saiwa) as a Strategic Planner for the Western Europe Zone for a couple of years and then Brand Manager of Vitasnella (Taillefine, Corpos Danone). With the support of a great team, he was able to bring back a defaulting brand to +20% growth year-on-year. After Italy came Qbian, a training company that used training as a frontline marketing tool and developed Global programs for Nokia. There, he was European Marketing Manager.

In 2009, Manuel co-founded Beta-i, an organization actively promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in Portugal, where he is a board member and Head of the Innovation and Corporate Acceleration team.