
Sustainable and equitable stewardship of Earth’s ecosystems for optimal functioning both globally and locally.


Ample, accessible and sustainable energy for the needs of humanity.


Consumption of sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to maintain healthy and active lives for all people at all times.


Secure, safe, and sustainable shelter for residence, recreation, and industry for all people at all times.


Safe and equitable use, and stewardship of, space resources and technologies for the benefit of humanity and our future as a multi-planetary species.


Ample and safe water for consumption, sanitation, industry, and recreation for all people at all times.


Effective and efficient disaster risk reduction, emergency response, and rehabilitation that saves lives and livelihoods, minimizes economic loss, and builds resilience both globally and locally.


Equitable participation of all people in formal and societal governance that is in accordance with principles of justice and individual rights, free from discrimination and identity-based prejudices, and able to meet the needs of an exponentially changing world.


Optimal physical and mental health, including access to cost-effective prevention, early diagnosis, and personalized therapy for individuals and communities.


Access to information and experiences that build knowledge and skills for all people at all stages of their lives for personal fulfillment and benefit to society.


Equitable access to economic and other opportunities for self-fulfillment where all people are free from poverty and able to thrive.


Safety of all people from physical and psychological harm, including in virtual worlds; and protection of physical, financial, digital systems.